Communique PDF (175KB) | DOC (59.3KB) December 9-11, 2021, at a moment of unprecedented national and international racial reckoning, scores of community-based stakeholders, advocates, elected officials and scholars converged on…
Communique PDF (175KB) | DOC (59.3KB) December 9-11, 2021, at a moment of unprecedented national and international racial reckoning, scores of community-based stakeholders, advocates, elected officials and scholars converged on…
Resolved to Chart a Collective Pathway for Local Reparations Movement January 6, 2022, New York — Scores of reparations advocates, activists, elected officials and scholars from some 25 cities, states…
Streamed live on Friday, December 10, 2021 from the First Church of God CLC in Evanston, IL — A National town hall meeting, “Building a Local Reparations Movement” hosted in…
Streamed live on Friday, December 10, 2021 from the First Church of God CLC in Evanston, IL — A National town hall meeting, “Building a Local Reparations Movement” hosted in…
The Honorable John Conyers, who represented Detroit in Congress from 1965 until 2017, introduced HR 40 every congressional session from 1989. He worked to get cosponsors for the legislation for…
Streamed live on Friday, December 10, 2021 from the First Church of God CLC in Evanston, IL — A National town hall meeting, “Building a Local Reparations Movement” hosted in…
By Jeffrey McKinney, Black Enterprise — With support from famous actor Danny Glover, Black leaders and residents in San Francisco want to seize the Fillmore Heritage Center as reparations for slavery and discrimination against…
By Danny Glover United Nations Ambassador for the International Decade for People of African Descent, Board Member Institute for Policy Studies — The public lynching of George Floyd pierced deep into the “souls of Black folks” compelling a thorough-going examination of the flawed foundation, values, systems and symbols of white supremacy and structural/institutional racism in these United States. A massive Black Lives Matter-led, multiracial, cross-generational movement has erupted in cities large…
CBS Chicago: The actor and activist spoke in Evanston, where cannabis revenues are set to be directed to a reparations fund.
Reparations Initiative Touted as a Model. Danny Glover to Speak at Town Hall Meeting Download or print PDF version — here. New York, December 2, 2019 — Dr. Ron Daniels, President of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century and Convener of the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) announced today that a team of Commissioners will visit Evanston, IL December 10-11 to review and provide support for the…
June 19, 2019, Washington, DC — The National African American Reparations Commission and The American Civil Liberties Union present a national forum: Healing and Reconciliation, HR-40 and the Promise of Reparations for African Americans. Panelists and speakers to include…
Video: Danny Glover Delivers the Keynote Speech at the National African American Reparations Commission’s (NAARC) Benefit Reception held at Southern State University at New Orleans on Thursday, November, 30 2017.