Legislators lay out 2024 reparation package, with more in years to come. By Robert J. Hansen, Observer — California’s Legislative Black Caucus on Feb. 21 unveiled its 2024 reparations package…
Legislators lay out 2024 reparation package, with more in years to come. By Robert J. Hansen, Observer — California’s Legislative Black Caucus on Feb. 21 unveiled its 2024 reparations package…
Partnership between Glasgow University and University of the West Indies was established as part of a reparative justice programme. By Sally Weale, The Guardian — The world’s first master’s degree…
Florida’s new standards for teaching social studies include throwbacks to an interpretation of slavery as benign or inconsequential. By Calvin Schermerhorn, Professor of History, Arizona State University — If there…
Florida was the first state in the nation to pay reparations to survivors of racial violence. By Mary Ellen Klas, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau — As confusion lingers over what parts…
By Daniel Steyn, allAfrica — The President’s Fund is growing as apartheid’s victims wait The President’s Fund was established to pay reparations to victims of human rights abuses under apartheid….
Covering up slavery in the birth of the US. Lawmakers are seeking to downplay the role that slavery played in the development of the United States, but history tells a…
Over 95 universities are officially studying their ties to slavery. By Michela Moscufo, ABC News — Universities across the country are studying their relationship to slavery and are being called…
By John Murawski, RealClearInvestigations — Georgetown University’s public atonement for its historical links to slavery has attracted special attention. Since the student newspaper jolted the campus in 2014 with accounts…
Reparations Needed to Combat “Jim Crow Debt” By Dr. V.P Franklin (NAARC Commissioner) — Why should lower or middle-income students graduate with substantial educational debt from colleges and universities with…
University officials say it has been helping descendants and a reconciliation fund will begin considering grant proposals this spring. By Susan Svrluga, The Washington Post — Georgetown University student leaders…
Unequal schools are one of many manifestations of systemic racism. Changing the way schools are financed and homeowners are taxed can be a vehicle for reparations. By Preston Green III…
By Preston Green III and Bruce Baker — White public schools have always gotten more money than Black public schools. These funding disparities go back to the so-called “separate but equal” era…