June 1, 2022 — Pre-Juneteenth virtual national rally convened and sponsored by the HR-40 Strategy Group. “Why We Can’t Wait: HR-40 On the Move” – Declaring Juneteenth Reparations and Racial Justice Day.

By Michela Moscufo, NBC News — At a virtual town hall meeting in August, generations of Japanese American community organizers spoke alongside leaders from the Black reparations movement. Called “Reparations…

By Marc Morial, President Nat. Urban League — Each year the National Urban League issues a State of Black America® with specific indicators on the progress or lack thereof for…

The poison that resides in the soul of America is being exposed in this moment of proclamation that Black Lives Matter. It is in this moment that U.S. Congresswoman Sheila…

By Danny Glover United Nations Ambassador for the International Decade for People of African Descent, Board Member Institute for Policy Studies — The public lynching of George Floyd pierced deep into the “souls of Black folks” compelling a thorough-going examination of the flawed foundation, values, systems and symbols of white supremacy and structural/institutional racism in these United States. A massive Black Lives Matter-led, multiracial, cross-generational movement has erupted in cities large…

‘Why We Can’t Wait’ Campaign Builds on Unprecedented Support for HR 40 to Address Racial Injustice. Washington, DC, August 3, 2020 — The US Congress should address systemic racism by bringing House Resolution (HR) 40 to a full vote once it reaches the floor, more than 100 civil rights, human rights, and civil society organizations and businesses said today. The federal bill would establish a commission to investigate the legacy…