By Earl Bousquet — CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary coincides with a decade of development of decisions that have led to its most-important international diplomatic and political achievement to date: Its decision…
By Earl Bousquet — CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary coincides with a decade of development of decisions that have led to its most-important international diplomatic and political achievement to date: Its decision…
By Earl Bousquet — The five-day 5th State of the Black World Conference (SOBWC) in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from April 19 to 23, will be laden with daily tables-full of…
Over 200 leaders and advocates from 22 nations revisited the 2015 Reparations Summit in New York, birth of the NAARC, the CRC’s contribution to galvanizing the movement on four continents…
Friday, April 22, 2022 — A Public Discussion and Reflections on the Historic 2015 International Reparations Summit With the National African American Reparations Commission and the Caricom Reparations Commission. See…
May 19, 2021 — Grenada National Reparations Commission presents “Malcolm, Maurice and the Movement for Reparations in Grenada” Guest lecturer Dr. Ron Daniels, President, Moderated by Dr. Damian Eisenghower Greaves, Welcome by H.E Ambassador Arley S. Gill, Introduction by Dr. Nicole Philip-Dowe, Vote of Thanks by Earl Bousquet