By Earl Bousquet — CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary coincides with a decade of development of decisions that have led to its most-important international diplomatic and political achievement to date: Its decision…
By Earl Bousquet — CARICOM’s 50th Anniversary coincides with a decade of development of decisions that have led to its most-important international diplomatic and political achievement to date: Its decision…
King of the Netherlands apologizes for country’s role in slavery on 150th anniversary of abolition. By Ahmad Seir and Mike Corder, Associated Press — King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands apologized…
Viola Ford Fletcher and her family fled a murderous white mob 102 years ago – today she’s still demanding accountability. By David Smith, The Guardian — Viola Ford Fletcher smiles…
By Verene Shepherd — The Report on Reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery (TCS) in the Americas and the Caribbean, an initiative of Judge Patrick Robinson, which he presented on June…
Because of its deep roots in the institution of slavery, New Jersey has been called the “slave state of the North.” NJ’s slavery and the generations of structural racism that…
Source: NY Carib News — A study on the quantification of reparations for Transatlantic Chattel Slavery (TCS) in the Americas and the Caribbean has found that trillions of dollars are…
Reparations United and Black Pact presents Peace, Love, and Reparations Benefit Concert Taking place on July 1, 2023, in the heart of Black Los Angeles, Leimert Park. This event will…
California’s reparations task panel approved recommendations to compensate and apologize to Black communities for centuries of discrimination. At a meeting in Oakland, the nine-member committee, which first met nearly two…
Rapporteurs also chastise the German and Namibian governments for excluding Herero and Nama minorities from talks dealing with the mass murder of their ancestors. By Kate Connolly, The Guardian —…
By Catarina Demony, Reuters — Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said on Tuesday his country should apologise and take responsibility for its role in the transatlantic slave trade, the…
By Earl Bousquet — The five-day 5th State of the Black World Conference (SOBWC) in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from April 19 to 23, will be laden with daily tables-full of…
By Alec Schemmel, The National Desk — California’s Reparations Task Force has reportedly beefed up the amount it is suggesting Black residents who are the descendants of slaves should be…